Cattery Berka
We love the Siberian Cat


Photo's show Zwolle on October 5, 2008


Below is a brief impression of the show.

The spacious accommodation of my Siberian cats, 4 cages together, so no 50x50 cm, but 2 meters by 50 cm. And still they went lying all at the same spot. Well, that's of course the most cosiest!
They had enough to see. Erik was the first one to go on the table, this time a German jury.
She was very impressed by Erik, and not only because she had expected to see a much smaller cat. Immediately after Erik it was Hopsa's turn. You can see the travel baskets standing on the trolley behind me. All my three cats were instantly sequentially, so there was no time to walk up and down.
Hopsa is also extensively discussed and comparisons with Erik were also addressed
Everything was well explained, it was a very good jury! Shifra's turn was after Hopsa, but at the same time, Jacky (She took the photo's from my cats), had to go to a jury with here own cat. So no pictures of Shifra with the jury. But as you can see, she was completly exhausted from all the impressions on her first show.
If you look closely, you can see Erik and Hopsa also resting from all the events. For the prize: Best in Variety (BIV) Erik and I had to go up on the podium. But with your hands full with such a big male cat, it wasn't easy to hold him, ha ha.

Above you'll see the certificates, if you click it, you get a larger format, so you can read it. The left one is from Erik, the middle one is of Hopsa and the right one is of Shifra.

